There is a single condition common to all chronic diseases, and in fact is at the very heart of the aging process itself... decreased Oxygen Utilization ("OU").
  Our cells simply run low on energy and thus can't function as well.  Over time, they contain fewer mitochondria (>> the powerhouses that drive all body functions), and each one grows less effective at using oxygen to create the all-important ATP energy molecules.  The same damage can also occur from a severe illness or exposure to toxins.  Standard medicine holds this mitochondrial decline can only be reversed through a regimen of vigorous physical exercise, but often that's not an option.  There is, however, a second way newly emerging from science to restore your Oxygen Utilization (and your health):  Oxygen/Ozone Therapy.

Ozone is a naturally-occurring and safe* gas that's composed of three oxygen atoms.  Oxygen atoms always pair off, forming stable O2 molecules.  But when extra energy is added to their environment (from lightning or cosmic rays), some triple oxygen O3 molecules are created.  That is ozone.  Somewhat unstable, ozone will eventually break down to O2, releasing its stored extra energy back to the surroundings.

And when those "surroundings" is living human tissue, that energy delivered produces an astonishing - and well-researched - cascade of wholly beneficial effects:

Summary of Physiological Mechanisms of Ozone

Stimulates mitochondrial function (▲O2 utilization, ▲ATP production) and causes an increase in mitochondrial numbers (biogenesis ▲mitochondrial mass) through the restoration of a more optimal NAD/NADH ratio (NAD is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, which governs oxygen use, and NADH is its reduced form).
Increases the metabolism of your red blood cells (glycolytic ▲ATP).
Increases blood flow (perfusion) throughout your entire body (▲nitric oxide).
Increases oxygen delivery to all your tissues (▲2,3,DPG).
Boosts your immune system by increasing cytokine production.
Causes an increase in the generation and release of growth factors from platelets, which helps regeneration of damaged tissues.
Ozone increases production of natural antioxidant molecules SOD, GSH Catalase, etc., reducing oxidative stress and damage (gene modulation ▲Nrf2, etc.).
Reduces inflammation.
Increases production of Collagen Type I and the remodeling of Collagen Type III to Type I.
Increases proliferation of fibroblasts and Chondrocytes.
Increases liver detoxification (▲P450).

The result is a remarkable stimulation of the regenerative capacity and activity in all treated body systems.  In essence, think of Oxygen/Ozone Therapy as "exercise in a bottle."

There are multiple ways oxygen/ozone can be administered effectively into and on the body.  Currently Dr. Reiss uses oxygen/ozone (from a medical-grade generator >>) in:

Major Autohemotherapy ("MAH") via IV line.  This method can deliver considerable doses body-wide by adding oxygen/ozone safely to a small amount of blood borrowed briefly from your body (thus eliminating any possible chance of embolism or other negative side-effects from direct IV).

Localized Injections that serve to revitalize the tissue in that area.  This is performed during an office visit with the doctor, and can either alone or combined with Neural Therapy as per your or the doctor's intent.

Ozonated Water is available for our established patients, made fresh in 500 mL glass bottles, for $10.

Rectal Ozone that offers an alternative to MAH for body-wide treatment.  A bag of oxygen/ozone with an attached catheter is given to you for easy self-administration in our restroom.

For additional clinical information, please visit the American Academy of Ozonotherapy.


* Safety Notes
1.  Ozone is irritating to lung tissue if breathed in at high concentrations, and can possibly set off those with reactive airways, such as in asthma or COPD.  Equipment and procedures are in place in our office to elimate the chance of such exposure.
2. It should be noted that no free radical damage is created from this therapy.  Quite the opposite; it upregulates the body's production of its own powerful free radical scavengers, meaning in time less oxidative damage occurring, not more.